Probability Articles (Alg 2)

4th Quarter Math Matters

Probability Math Matters Graphic Organizer

Use any of the following articles to complete your Math Matters graphic organizer:

*How to Deal with Life’s Risks More Rationally
*The Strangest Coincidences of Your Life Probably Aren’t that Strange At All
*Nobel Prizes, Election Outcomes and Sports Championships – Prediction Markets Try to Foresee the Future
*How Much Math Do You Need to Win Your March Madness Pool?
*The promise and perils of predictive policing based on big data (Police data)
*Reports of the Death of Polling have been Greatly Exaggerated
*What’s a 100-Year Flood? A Hydrologist Explains
*Momentum isn’t magic – vindicating the hot hand with the mathematics of streaks
*How Statistical Thinking should Shape the Courtroom
*Nobel Prizes, Election Outcomes & Sports Championships – Prediction markets try to forsee the future
*Losses Disguised as Wins: The Science Behind Casino Profits